Location: Whitby, Ontario, Canada

Born in Malta but in Canada since age 5. Has written three books and presently does several columns about wine and food for various magazines.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Discovering The Azores, Day 7: Caldeira Velha, Tea Factory, At The Tomlins, Beach, Restaruant,Andy's Hidden Jungle, Toothache!

Back To Caldeira Velha!
Was up and raring to go after a very rough night as my tooth was acting up and spent much of the night in pain but something strange happened. In the midst of my crisis of pain I reached out and said a prayer to Lord Jesus Christ in his name to take the pain away since it was awesome and the pain actually subsided and I slept. I am not profoundly religious but can only say that Divine intervention helped. For anyone who had gone through the pain which have before they would know the pain is excruciating so when it just disappears that in itself is a miracle.
I carefully had breakfast and went to breakfast. Soon after we were on our way to Port Formoso but first we dropped in once more to visit the hot springs at Caldeira Velha.
Caldeira Velha.
The hot springs are located in a national park which is located on the North Slope of the Fogo Volcano. They consist of two main pool of which the top is of a warm water pool which is at the foot of a 30 metre waterfall. Surrounded by green forest it is quite lovely. The stream of the top pool flows to another pool which combines with an even warmer flow of hotter water resulting in a hotter pool of water heated by the volcanic activity.The stream continues to flow downstream and is flowing with life such as myriads of small frogs and birds---all inducing a charm with their many calls.

Here people of many nations visit the warm healing waters of this region.

Within the perimeter of the nature reserve, lake and caldera flanks, are many
endemic Azorean plant species, including the Azores juniper , Azores laurel and Buckthorn in addition to St. John's wort , Azores heather and Mediterranean spurge.
Small birds are the primary animal species within the caldera, in addition to some larger birds, such as kites or seagulls; terrestrial birds include the Azores wood pigeon Azorean the grey wagtail and the Azorean common blackbird  as well as marine birds such as yellow-legged gull and the common tern. The greenery is nothing short of wonder with huge tropical coniferous trees and ferns and flower of unimaginable beauty.
We then stopped off at the Port Formoso Tea Factory where we enjoyed one more tea and then we made our way to Porto Formoso to visit our friends Andy and Laura Tomlin.
We found Andy and Laura at their dream home in the Port and then after a brief visit (and some pain medication for my tooth) we made our way to the beach at the port beach.
Beach and Food! 
We stopped of at a charming "by the sea" eatery run by a Canadian and had some great burgers. I had a delicious salmon burger which while I ate carefully was delicious none the same. A walk through the beach was exhilarating! The waves came in droves and seemed quite powerful. All around us were the symbols of volcanism such as huge volcanic lava rocks and walls. Gorgeously lovely yet primitive at the same time.
We then went for a walk to what Andy called his private pool! As we went up the path I was reminded of those old movies I used to watch as a child with jungle like vegetation, narrow paths  and a stream a few metres below.
On a number of occasions we had to transverse across the stream and climb some very high steps until we came to a gigantic waterfalls again flowing into a pool of crystal clear water.
However all good things must come to an end and we made our way back to the beach and then to our cars. We said our good byes and were soon on our way to our last night in Minuvida.
We got back in time to have a small bite before settling down to our packing.
Tomorrow was to be a busy day!
End of Day Seven.