Location: Whitby, Ontario, Canada

Born in Malta but in Canada since age 5. Has written three books and presently does several columns about wine and food for various magazines.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Gabe Magnotta: A Passionate Man Who Made A Difference

To many, Gabe Magnotta will be remembered as the man behind the very successful Magnotta Corporation and Festa Juice companies that he and his wife, Rossana started some 25 years ago. He was a remarkable entrepreneur. To me, Gabe Magnotta was a man who did not let success affect his humanity and passion.
One did not have to be a close buddy of Gabe's to reveal his gentle nature. He was always willing to listen-----always trying to help someone. He always seemed to be doing something for others working fervently towards some cause or another. He was passionate about perfection of his products and proud of his company's achievements. He cared greatly for his family and those who worked for him.
I felt very comfortable dealing with him from the very first time I met him. He was at the front reception desk of his palatial winery in Vaughan. Gabe, tall and ruggedly handsome, turned around and looked at me. I went over and introduced myself. He had a serious yet warm smile-----actually more of a lay back grin that immediately eased my self consciousness.
As we toured the winery together, his passion about his business was expressed through each and every wine that he showed me and every staff member he introduced me to. "Here was a man at the top who hasn't lost his common touch!", I thought to myself. My admiration increased with the frequency of my contacts and as I got to know him. I became privy to a man who was truly "for all seasons".
There was Gabe the entrepreneur, tough in business but never losing his compassion. There was Gabe the sportsman who loved his dogs and his sporting trips around the globe. There was Gabe the philanthropist who made sure that charities and those in need were taken care of. Then of course there was Gabe the family man and Gabe the employer. His family loved him and his staff practically worshipped him. He never let them down. This I saw and felt.
I had the fortune to have had lunch with him and his "lunch buddies" at the Alta Rosa Restaurant on a couple of occasions. They were both some of the best and most entertaining lunches I can ever remember full of light conversation, good food and true friendship. Gabe used to refer to these as his "mental health sessions" and I could see why. All stress left when this group of friends was together.
I also remember his "Sport Nights" held, again, at the same restaurant. His friends and fellow businessmen would gather and enjoy "wild boar", great wine and marvellous friendship. The "key word" to describe what I felt around Gabe in the presence of others was this: "Friendship". I am sure that Gabe faced his illness with the same manner that he faced everything else: with strength and courage. My heart now goes out to his family and all those who knew him.
I will truly miss this big man with a big heart. Just knowing that he was alive was enough to feel that the world was a better place. The world has lost one great person. Now it's up to the rest of us to ensure that his legacy carries on!